函数柯里化(Curry in JS)


Curry的概念很简单,就是通过传入一个参数就可以呼叫一个function去处理剩下的参数,可以一次性的呼叫Curry function,也可以每次只传一个参数。起到了延迟计算参数复用动态生成函数的作用。

Youtube里一个视频这样总结的: Curry is when a function doesn't take all of its arguments upfront instead, it wants you to give it the first argument and then the function returns another function which you are supposed to call with the second argument and so on untill all arguments have been provided and then the function at the end of the chain will be the one that returns the value you actually want


先看一下First-class function的概念,简单来说就是treated like any other variable,这里是可以作为参数传递的例子.

const someFunction = () => console.log('hello wolrd')
const firstClass1 = func => func();
firstClass1(someFunction)// 'hello wolrd'

const firstClass2 = () => someFunction
firstClass1(firstClass2()) //'hello wolrd'


const notCurry = (x, y, z) => x + y + z;
//es6书写的curry function
const curry = x => y => z => x + y + z;
const iKnowTwoParams = curry(1)(2);
//上边一行 相当于把参数固化了,返回了   z => 1 + 2 + z 这个函数 就等着最后一个z了
const result = iKnowTwoParams(3) // 6


var whatName = a => b => c => a + b + c
const mFunc = whatName('马')
const mdFunc =  mFunc('冬')
const mdm = mdFunc('梅')


const iWantSubStr = (str, start, length) =>str.substr(start, length)
const curriedSubstr = start => length => str => str.substr(start, length);
const getSubstring = (start, length, str) => curriedSubstr(start)(length)(str);
const getFirstCharacters = (length, str) => curriedSubstr(0)(length)(str);
const getFirstCharacter = str => curriedSubstr(0)(1)(str);

lodashcurry方法也可以把普通函数转化为curry function,具体的curry的实现后边有

var onePiece = [
    { hero:'路飞', fruit:'橡胶果实' },
    { hero:'卡塔庫栗', fruit:'糯糯果实' },
    { hero:'big mom', fruit:'魂魂果实' }
let hasFruit = (fruit, obj) => obj.fruit === fruit;
const hero = onePiece.filter(x => hasFruit('橡胶果实', x));
import '_' from 'lodash'
const hasFruitCurry =  _.curry((fruit, obj) => obj.fruit === fruit);
const heroCurry = onePiece.filter(hasFruitCurry('橡胶果实'))

在vue中有个最常用的例子,是code split里的异步组件的引入路径的代码

const AsyncMultComp = dir => component =>({
  component: import(`../components/${dir}/${component}.vue`),
  delay: 100,
  timeout: 3000

//这样就固化了dir这个参数 比如用起来可以这样:
const curriedComp = AsyncMultComp('admin/user');

const com = curriedComp('OrderList')



const getName = (person) => person.name;
const uppercase = (string) => string.toUpperCase();
const get6Characters = string => string.substring(0, 6);
const reverse = string => string.split('').reverse().join('');
const result = reverse(get6Characters(uppercase(getName({name:'Nicolas_Cage'}))))


const pipe = (...fns) => obj => fns.reduce((f, g) => g(f), obj);
pipe(getName, uppercase, get6Characters, reverse)({name:'Nicolas_Cage'})//ALOCIN

以上是pipe, compose其实和pipe一样,只是参数的方向反了

const compose = (...fns) => obj => fns.reduceRight((f, g) => g(f), obj);
compose(reverse, get6Characters, uppercase, getName)({name:'Nicolas_Cage'})//ALOCIN
const compose = (...fns) =>pipe.apply(pipe, fns.reverse())
const compose (...fns) => fns.reduce((f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)))


上次更新: 9/10/2018, 10:39:16 PM